GISEYE Vector Converter application is designed for vector maps conversion from one type and format into another.
GISEYE Vector Converter dialog contains groups of elements to set up input and output conversion parameters of vector maps and the output information field, indicating the conversion status.
The group of elements to control the input vector maps parameters is located in the left part of the dialog, whereas the elements to control output vector maps parameters are located in the right part of the dialog. Output information field is located in the bottom of the dialog.
Main features:
-Re-projection vector maps into a wide range of available projections
-Change vector map name
-Combine vector maps by adding one vector maps’ coordinates values to the existing file of the other vector map
-Cut a segment from the vector map by specified coordinates and re-convert it
-Perform data batch processing
System requirements
-Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista or higher
-Intel Pentium-III processor or higher
-128Mb of RAM
-Display mode 1024×768 TrueColor